
Feedback from clients

'It was my dream to be a good project manager and I attended several trainings to improve my management skills. I was able to build my skills to mobilize the resources in an effective and efficient way to build a good house. But a turning point happens in my project management skill and approach when I met WORKwise. They taught me how to build a good home rather than just a good house! It was a complete transformation in my management approach. Thanks to WORKwise!' - SNV Projectmanager in Laos

'The training changed my life. I have learned so much, especially on how to be a leader - participant of cooperative in Uganda.

J'ai aimé ce programme parce qu'on sent qu'il est monté par des professionnels ayant une grande expérience du monde du travail et des défis qu'on y rencontre, des professionnels qui ont recherché des solutions aux problèmes usuels que rencontrent les travailleurs au bureau seuls ou dans une équipe, des professionnels qui allient psychologie et coaching avec une large ouverture d'esprit. Le programme est basé sur des expériences prouvées provenant de grands chercheurs ou coachs mais il laisse l'espace à la personne coachée de s'exprimer, d'apporter son plus au processus. Ce programme à travers mon coach a commencé par me vider de mes présomptions, de mes a priori, de mes frustrations pour me remplir de nouvelles manières de voir, de comprendre, de communiquer et de s'organiser pour un leadership renforcé. Je peux dire qu'après ce programme, je retrouve une nouvelle manière d'être, de voir et de faire pour réussir davantage dans mon poste. Merci beaucoup Rénée, merci beaucoup Workwise. - Country Finance Manager SNV Burkina Faso

'I really liked the DISC model that we did on the first day. It helped me to know myself better and to improve myself' - participant of tourist enterprise in Sri Lanka.

The story of Andrew

'My six months experience with the Grip on work was quite exciting. I took up this course because I needed to have a better grip at my work in terms of managing the workload and the time. I used to feel like I had a lot to do with less time to do it all. At first the course was challenging because of the new practices that I had to pick up. I slowly started to plan my work better, stop procrastinating about some tasks and communicate my expectations and deliverables better. After the course now I can do my planned task within the time that I allocate for the task. My calendar and daily task list are also clearer and more precise. This has given me a better work/life balance.


I never believed in meditation or at least never tried it before. Now I can take a few minutes in between my work and meditate, focus on one thing in my mind and let go everything else. This has helped me clear my head in times when I am overwhelmed, it also makes me more alert and improves my concentration. I am also able to focus well on my tasks and work on them to completion.'

The Story of Marine

The Story of Paul

Nieuwe Paul KAYIRANGA (National Industrial Research and Development Agency in Rwanda -NIRDA) participated in a WORKwise program in 2022, with the PRISMEnabel team in Rwanda : 


 ‘Before participating in WORKwise training I always used to go back home with a lot of unfinished work. My children used to say that Daddy always has a lot of work with limited time to rest. 

WORKwise changed my working style: I started planning well my assignments, respecting the schedule for every activity, and consequently, the unfinished work has significantly reduced, with increased time for my personal affairs as well as social interactions. 
Shortly after this change, one of my daughters observed me going back home without a computer, and asked me, ̎Daddy, why is it you are no longer bringing your computer and working at home? ̎
I replied to her that formerly I could not plan well my work leading to uncompleted assignments but now I can follow my calendar of work, and you should follow in my footsteps, learn to plan well your work, and respect the schedule for everything. 

Now my kids always have the weekly plan written in their notebooks and try to follow what is planned by everyone.’

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The WORKwise Company has developed a specific approach for effective working in challenging environments. Learn how to organise your work, set priorities and communicate in such a way that you gain control over your work. We also work with teams to become more effective.

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