Colourful teams

Getting up to Speed

as a Team 


Agreeing on the impact you want to make, understanding each other, having a shared vision on where to go and how your talents can contribute best to team results, are fundamental when it comes to effective collaboration. We are at ease with different approaches for assisting the team, to be decided on by the team itself, creating ownership from the beginning. At WORKwise , we believe that self-management and self-direction help teams and professionals to live their full potential.

Team challenges

Would you like to get up to speed with your team? Dive into your strengths, get to know your pitfalls and liberate hidden potential? WORKwise offers several programs that can support Teams in getting the best out of everyone, take responsability of common tasks and improve general Team performance. 

We work with teams in a very playful and practical manner that helps interpreting individual leadership capacity, and also shows how the team operates, what it’s strengths and pitfalls are and what competencies are probably lacking. This will create a context for discussing actual and desired situations and taking concrete steps to improve the effectiveness of the team. We make use of the DISC tools that assist in making the challenges of collaboration visible and also provide a tool for personal (leadership) development. Our approach is practical and fun as it: 


  • measures personal drives
  • reveals what motivates people
  • makes it possible to discuss behaviour
  • effectively uses the strenghts of the   individual and the team


We work with your team to improve on the effectiveness of communication and collaboration.

WORKwise is licenced to work with the DISC tools.

 Diversity brings quality

In the global society, many organisations are meeting points of cultural diversity. Culture is another perspective that influences the way we perceive things and each other, and the entire interaction process in a team. What does it take to become aware of one's own identity, cultural influences and to build strategies for effective communication? You will learn how to work in cultural diversy, based on the concept of cultural intelligence, and build an effective team culture. David Livermore introduced the concept of 'Cultural Intelligence', which refers to the competencies of professionals to interact (and achieve) in a multi-cultural environment. The four competencies are: drive (motivation, real interest in others), knowledge (of cultural systems), strategy (how to achieve collaboration) and action (courage to try and fail and try again). We consider that the competency 'Drive' is present in development professionals, and therefore focus on the competencies 'Knowledge' and 'strategy'. We use Erin Meyer’s Culture Map in order to map the team on cultural dimensions. We also pay attention to identity and change.

This method can be particularly interesting for Mananagement Teams facing specific leadership challenges.

In combination with personal effectiveness, a WORKwise Team Program builds an open, responsible and highly performant Team culture that takes diversity as a valuable asset.

David Livermore – Cultural Intelligence  
Erin Meyer – The Culture Map  

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